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FAQ User Maintenance

FAQ // General Usage

FAQ // Reading and Posting

Answers // General Usage
Can I search the forums?
Yes you can, simply click on the search at the top of this page and enter your search criteria. You may search for any terms that are greater than three characters in length that are either in the entire post or just the post titles only.

You may also specify specific forums to search and from what dates the search should commence. Also you are restricted from searching any private forums to protect the integrity of the forum.
Why can't I view certain forums?
If you cannot access certain forums it is because they have been assigned to a specific group and if you are not a member of that group you will be refused access.

If a forum is assigned to a specific group you will be told whichgroup it is assigned to and who the groups captain is so that you may contact them with regards to gianing access to the forum.
How can I view other users details?
You can view a users details by clicking the profile link that accompanies each post that a user make. Alternatively, if the user is currently online and hasn't selected to browse the forums invisibly then you can view their details by clicking on their name in the Who's Online listings.
What are announcements?
Announcements are special topics that when posted by the board administrators will appear at the top of every forum. Announcements are usually used to pass on important information so make sure to read them!
What are sticky threads?
Sticky threads are topics that have some significant value to the forum that it is posted in and as such have been "stuck" to the top of the forum where everyone can see them.